Eyelash extension shed according to your natural eyelash growth cycle. The average life span of an eyelash is between 90-120 days, growing for 30 days and resting for 60 days, after that they start to naturally fall out, and a new growth cycle begins. On average a person naturally loses 1-5 eyelashes every day.
The other factor how long your eyelash extensions last is aftercare. It’s very important how you take care of your lashes between the infills.
The most common cause of lash extensions falling out before the end of your lash cycle includes use of oil based products such as oily creams and makeup removers , excessive touching, use of excessive amounts of makeup around your eyes and frequent exposure to heat such as saunas, spas and bikram yoga. Do not use too much mascara on top of your eyelash extensions. If you must , use water- washable mascara, apply it only to the tips of your eyelash extensions or bottom lashes. When you wash your hair do not allow hair products to run on your face.
Gently wash your eyes daily with water or lash shampoo to remove debris and oils around your eyes to prolong the life of your lashes and encourage their growth.
Avoid using cotton swabs what can get stuck between your lashes, always use sponge applicator, makeup brush or simply gently clean your lashes using your fingers. Always pat them try and avoid rubbing them.
Groom your eyelashes with clean mascara wand.
Do not use mechanical eyelash curler, it will cause damage of your natural lashes and lash extensions.
Eyelash extensions come in many different lengths and curls. Your lash technician will discuss with you what kind of look you after and what would suit for you best.
Try not to sleep on your face. If you are side sleeper, you may want to consider using silk pillowcases. They wont rub or get stuck in any loose fibres, making them less likely to fall out during your sleep. Side benefits, a silk pillowcase will let your face glide more smoothly, and they also have added bonus of preventing wrinkles and reducing hair breakage. It helps your skin retain moisture, reduce your chemical exposure and it’s naturally hypo allergic.
To maintain full look , schedule your infill every 2-3 weeks.